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Tips and Resources for Veterans Attending Villanova University

Tips and Resources for Veterans Attending Villanova University

Mixed race soldier using laptop at home

Last Updated January 14, 2021

Making the transition from military service to civilian life may present challenges for veterans. The good news is that many veterans have traveled this path and a wealth of information on what works best has emerged over the years.

Veterans who are considering enrolling in a degree or non-credit certificate program at Villanova University can visit the military overview page for information about Villanova’s online programs or the Office of Veterans and Military Service Members page for information about Villanova’s on campus resources.

Veterans can find useful information about many aspects of attending college during or after serving their country, from how to maximize military education benefits to methods of “de-militarizing” a military resume.

The following tips also can help prepare veterans for courses at Villanova, both online and on campus.

Tips For Military Students

In most cases, veterans who become college students have been away from school for several years. They may decide to enroll right after transitioning out of the military or after a break between military service and school. The average age of veterans attending college in 2016 was 25, according to the Postsecondary National Policy Institute.

In the same year, veterans made up about 6% of all undergraduate college students and 7% of graduate students, according to federal numbers reported by Inside Higher Education

If you want to count yourself among that number, the following tips may help pave the way to success.

Manage Your Finances

Having school finances in order from the start may help students focus all their energy on classwork. However, navigating the system can seem overwhelming. The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) provides a great deal of information on the Post 9/11 GI Bill®, the Montgomery GI Bill®, the Forever GI Bill® and other issues related to funding veterans’ education.

If you are interested in advancing your education through Villanova University, you may be eligible to use your VA education benefits for Villanova’s 100% online non-credit certificate programs, based upon your individual eligibility. The school also offers a 15% tuition savings per certificate course and a 10% savings per course on degree programs for military veterans as well as active-duty servicemembers, Guardsmen, Reservists and military spouses and dependents (upon verification of military or discharge status)*. 

On-campus students may also be eligible to use VA educational benefits at Villanova. Per the University’s Office of Veterans and Military Service Members website: “If you qualify, you must select which benefit to receive. You cannot receive payment for more than one benefit at a time. If you are eligible for more than one benefit, you should contact the VA to discuss your educational plans.”

More information about VA education benefits can be found on the Department of Veterans Affairs website or Villanova’s VA Educational Benefits Information Packet.

Choose the Right School

Veterans may be interested in exploring college programs offered by military-friendly schools. They may also want to attend college at an academic institution that is a GI Bill®-approved school. A list of these schools is maintained by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.  Villanova University is on both lists.

Take Advantage of Resources

In addition to the resources offered by Villanova University, veterans also can contact their local VA office for education counseling services. The VA offers educational and career counseling benefits, known as Chapter 36, to those who will be discharged in the next six months or who left military service within the last year.

The U.S. Department of Education also offers the Upward Bound program for veterans to help them to prepare for college. According to the Department of Education, the program assesses and enhances skills veterans need to succeed in school through “counseling, mentoring, tutoring and academic instruction in the core subject areas.”

How to Prepare for Online Success

Veterans who choose to enroll in an online program can prepare for success by focusing on issues such as creating a space at home dedicated to attending class. They also should practice time management and make use of the many communication tools provided to online Villanova students that can keep them in touch with professors and classmates.

Online students also must manage their own school schedule as they have more flexibility on when they complete assignments. It’s important to set a schedule that allows for ample time to focus energy on schoolwork.

Network With Fellow Students

Networking is one of the most important aspects of college. As the American Psychological Association writes: “We often tell our students that what you know gets you in the room but it is who you know that will get you a seat at the table. You should network if you are passionate about your field and want to be engaged in the discipline.” They also note that networking is intended to build relationships over long periods of time, and business contacts often lead to friendships.

Villanova’s programs provide communication channels that allow students to interact, even in an online environment. Veterans will not only have a chance to connect with other veterans who may be in the class, but other students from all backgrounds and experiences.

*This reduction is valid off the standard tuition fee rate of the listed courses offered by Villanova University with online administration by Bisk. This reduction is not stackable with other reductions, and you may not use this reduction in conjunction with other reductions. Reduction is based on eligibility requirements and proof of service.

GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government web site at

Information provided as to the availability and eligibility for military or veteran education assistance programs is for general informational use only. Please check with your Education Services Officer or local Department of Veterans Affairs for eligibility, benefit amount and application processes specific to your situation.

VA Benefit Eligibility: Visit the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Web Enabled Approval Management System (WEAMS) to view which programs of study or courses are currently certified. Benefit certification depends upon your VA determined eligibility, enrollment status and certified program of study.